Mateusz Loskot :: hacking on, working out, living up

Using Git with GDAL repository

13 Feb 2010 | mloskot

I have mirrored Subversion trunk of GDAL repository on Gitorious - a free hosting for collaborating on distributed open source projects. It is available as svn-trunk repository of gdal project.

The main motivation is that it simplifies development of experiments in case one needs version control or complete disconnection from SVN trunk for some period. Thanks to git-svn, it is possible to push changes back to the trunk.

I outlined the process of maintaining GDAL trunk using Git in the Wiki article Using Git To Maintain GDAL Workflow.

The synchronization is not a time consuming process at all but even that I hope to make it automatic process in near future. First, I have to ship my little personal server to a remote data centre and I’m hoping to do it next week. Lucky bastard going to bask in the warm sun of Portugal :-)

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