Mateusz Loskot :: hacking on, working out, living up

Wavelet Transform Software 2.04

21 Sep 2008 | mloskot

GDAL logoThis post should be interesting to users of GDAL MSG driver - Meteosat Second Generation.

In July 2008, by the way of doing GDAL MSG driver cleanup, I’ve also applied a few fixes to the Public Wavelet Transform Decompression Library (aka Wavelet Transform Software) developed by EUMETSAT. I patched WT version 2.03 and sent my fixes to EUMETSAT.

Recently, I’ve got a message from EUMETSAT they approved the patch and will include it in upcoming release of the Wavelet Transform Decompression Library. Actually, new version 2.04 has been already published and is available to download (after registration) from the EUMETSAT website.

Modification of the source code to support a newer version of gcc compiler. gcc 4.2.x and previous versions are now supported. Upgrade fixes kindly provided by Mateusz Loskot.

Modified files with respect to previous version: CImage.h, CJBlock.h, CJBlock.cpp

It’s really nice to see my work wasn’t a waste of time :-)

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