Mateusz Loskot :: hacking on, working out, living up

OpenID conquers communities

11 May 2008 | mloskot

OpenID logoOn May 8th, Ross Turk posted on the community blog: Hey! So I’ll just blurt it out: we’ve joined the OpenID Foundation!. As Ross confirms, OpenID use is becoming very popular, means users like the idea of decentralized, free and open standard that lets users control the amount of personal information they provide.

In the initial announcement about the OpenID idea, stuff revealed they use OpenID implementation from Zend Framework - Open Source Software (oh yeah!) available under BSD License.

Recently, I’ve noticed that Chris brought the idea of OpenID to OSGeo year ago and setup necessary infrastructure, so OSGeo userid can be used as an openid.

I tried today to use OpenID capabilities of OSGeo User ID, but without any luck. It seems like the service has been disabled or moved without update in docs. Anyway, I hope we are going to keep it running. Hmm, it’s unclear to me if the OSGeo User ID is supposed to work as an OpenID and allow OSGeo users to authenticate to external non-OSGeo services with it, like to Is it?.

I’m wondering if it would be reasonable and beneficial the OSGeo Foundation participates in activities lead by the OpenID Foundation. What about joining the OpenID Foundation as a non-profit organization?

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